04/02/2021 <> in ethereum, small miners will chose not to package any transactions to get advangate in mining the next block. such that it will never cause conflict with existing block.
03/12/2020 <> How to maintain the growth of Blockchain while the power drops sharply: Today is March 12, 2020, a day that all Blockchain releadted guys will remember forever, the market cap of Bitcoin drops by around 30%, and only one block could be mined within one hour due to the excaping of miners. So, how to prevent such a long time’s block generation suspending would be a issue worth digging.
03/11/2020 <> Reputation on proof of work consensus. Every new block mined by a miner will gain him credits, a miner with more credit could claim more coins as bonus and better chance to mine a new block thus reduce posibility of 51% attack.
03/11/2020 <> Considering there is more and more attacks on TEE, is there any way to prevent side-channel attack once for all? From algotithm perspective? ## Need study
03/07/2020 <> Protect the EVM from the DOS attack caused by OPCODE. ## Need Study
03/07/2020 <> Protect the Town Crier Oracle from some type of attack. ## Need study
03/07/2020 <> Secure Random Number Generator in Blockchain. ## Need study
03/07/2020 <> Protect the Town Crier Oracle from some type of attack. ## Need study
03/07/2020 <> Delay transaction execution. ## Need study
03/07/2020 <> Protect the right of coins that we deposit to the exchange. ## Need study